不但可以邊 casting 邊宣告,宣告玩之後還能繼續使用!
不過 gcc 跟 g++ 編譯器的行為不太一樣就是了,g++ 並不會直接給你過關。
code 寫久了,網上的技術文章逛久了,就會發現很多小惡魔小細節,是藏在編譯器裡面。
struct x {
int xx;
int main()
struct x data;
data.xx = 99;
struct x *tmp = &data;
printf("tmp->xx = %d \n", tmp->xx);
printf("(!#$^&)->yy = %d \n", ((struct y {int yy;} *)(tmp))->yy);
struct y xxxx; // Also can be used later!
// Change *.cpp will have different result
// gcc will select the correct back-end compiler based on file extension
// In c++: error: types may not be defined in casts
return 0;